Building a strong vocabulary is essential for success in the IELTS exam. Below is a list of 500 important and strong vocabulary words that can help you in various sections of the IELTS test:
Note: Remember that it's not just about memorizing words but also understanding their usage and context. Additionally, studying vocabulary in context and practicing with sample IELTS questions is crucial for maximizing your performance.
The list is organized alphabetically:
- Abandon
- Abate
- Abbreviate
- Abhor
- Abide
- Abrupt
- Abscond
- Abundant
- Abyss
- Accelerate
- Acclaim
- Accommodate
- Accrue
- Accurate
- Acquaint
- Acquire
- Acrimonious
- Activate
- Adhere
- Adjacent
- Admonish
- Adopt
- Adorn
- Adversary
- Advocate
- Affable
- Affirm
- Agile
- Agitate
- Allege
- Allocate
- Allude
- Aloof
- Altruistic
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Amend
- Ample
- Animate
- Annex
- Anticipate
- Apprehend
- Apprehensive
- Aptitude
- Arduous
- Articulate
- Ascertain
- Aspire
- Assent
- Assimilate
B 51. Banish
- Barrage
- Bastion
- Beckon
- Belligerent
- Benign
- Bewilder
- Bias
- Blatant
- Bolster
- Brevity
- Brisk
- Burgeon
- Buttress
C 65. Cacophony
- Cajole
- Callous
- Candid
- Capitulate
- Captivate
- Carve
- Cascade
- Cease
- Censure
- Chagrin
- Charisma
- Chronicle
- Cite
- Clamor
- Clarify
- Cogent
- Coherent
- Collaborate
- Commence
- Commend
- Compassion
- Complement
- Composure
- Compromise
- Conceal
- Concede
- Concise
- Concur
- Condemn
- Condone
- Conducive
- Confide
- Confine
- Confound
- Conjecture
D 101. Dearth
- Debilitate
- Decipher
- Defiant
- Deft
- Delineate
- Deliberate
- Delve
- Demise
- Denounce
- Deplore
- Deprive
- Deride
- Desolate
- Despise
- Destitute
- Detest
- Devise
- Dexterity
- Diligent
- Diminish
- Discern
- Discrepancy
- Disdain
- Disparate
- Dispel
- Disperse
- Dissent
- Dissipate
- Distort
- Divert
- Divulge
- Docile
- Dwindle
E 135. Eclectic
- Egregious
- Elicit
- Elucidate
- Elusive
- Embark
- Embellish
- Empathy
- Emulate
- Encompass
- Endorse
- Endure
- Enhance
- Enigma
- Enrapture
- Enthrall
- Enumerate
- Ephemeral
- Epitome
- Equitable
- Eradicate
- Escalate
- Espouse
- Esteem
- Evolve
- Exacerbate
- Exalt
- Exemplify
- Exhilarate
- Exonerate
- Explicate
- Exploit
- Expunge
- Extol
- Exuberant
- Exude
F 171. Fabricate
- Facilitate
- Fallacy
- Fathom
- Feasible
- Fickle
- Fluctuate
- Foreseeable
- Forfeit
- Fortitude
- Foster
- Frivolous
G 183. Garner
- Garrulous
- Genial
- Glaring
- Gracious
- Grandiose
- Gregarious
- Gruesome
- Guile
- Gusto
H 193. Hamper
- Haughty
- Hinder
- Homage
- Hubris
- Humble
- Hurdle
- Hypothetical
I 201. Illuminate
- Illustrious
- Immaculate
- Imminent
- Immune
- Impartial
- Impeccable
- Imperative
- Impervious
- Implicate
- Implicit
- Implore
- Incessant
- Inclusive
- Incognito
- Incongruous
- Indict
- Indifferent
- Indignant
- Indispensable
- Induce
- Indulge
- Ineffable
- Inept
- Infamous
- Infer
- Influx
- Ingenious
- Inherent
- Inhibit
- Initiate
- Innate
- Innocuous
- Innovate
- Inquisitive
- Insatiable
- Inscrutable
- Insinuate
- Insipid
- Insolent
- Instigate
- Insurgent
- Integrate
- Intrepid
- Intricate
- Introspect
- Intuitive
- Inundate
- Invoke
- Irrefutable
J 251. Jovial
- Judicious
- Juxtapose
K 254. Keen
- Kindle
- Kinetic
L 257. Lament
- Languish
- Laud
- Lavish
- Lethargic
- Levity
- Liberate
- Litigate
- Lucid
- Luminous
- Lure
M 268. Magnanimous
- Malevolent
- Malicious
- Malinger
- Manifest
- Mar
- Meander
- Mediate
- Melancholy
- Meticulous
- Mitigate
- Modest
- Mollify
- Morose
- Mundane
- Mutability
N 284. Nefarious
- Negligible
- Nimble
- Nostalgia
- Notorious
- Novel
- Nurture
O 291. Ominous
- Opaque
- Opulent
- Orate
- Orthodox
- Ostracize
- Oust
- Overcome
- Overhaul
- Overlook
P 301. Pacify
- Palpable
- Panacea
- Paradox
- Paragon
- Paramount
- Partake
- Patronize
- Perceive
- Perplex
- Pervade
- Pinnacle
- Pious
- Plausible
- Plight
- Poignant
- Ponder
- Pragmatic
- Preclude
- Predicament
- Prolific
- Prominent
- Proponent
- Prudent
- Pungent
- Purge
Q 327. Quandary
- Quarrel
- Query
- Quirk
R 331. Ramification
- Rapture
- Rash
- Ravenous
- Recede
- Reckless
- Recline
- Reconcile
- Redundant
- Refute
- Reiterate
- Relinquish
- Reminisce
- Renounce
- Repress
- Resilient
- Resolute
- Resplendent
- Restrain
- Resurrect
- Revere
- Revoke
- Rhetoric
- Rigorous
S 355. Salient
- Sanction
- Satiate
- Savvy
- Scrutinize
- Seclude
- Sedate
- Seethe
- Segregate
- Serene
- Sever
- Shrewd
- Simulate
- Skeptic
- Skirmish
- Slew
- Soothe
- Sporadic
- Spurious
- Squander
- Stagnant
- Stark
- Stifle
- Stipulate
- Strive
- Substantiate
- Subtle
- Succinct
- Supplant
- Surmise
- Surmount
- Surreptitious
- Sustain
T 388. Tactful
- Tangible
- Tenacity
- Terminate
- Thrive
- Tirade
- Trepidation
- Trivial
- Tumultuous
- Turbulent
U 398. Ubiquitous
- Ultimate
- Unanimous
- Unassuming
- Uncanny
- Unconventional
- Undermine
- Undulate
- Unify
- Unprecedented
- Unveil
- Upbraid
- Utilize
V 411. Validate
- Vehement
- Venerate
- Verbose
- Vex
- Vigilant
- Vilify
- Vindicate
- Virtuoso
- Vivacious
W 421. Wane
- Wary
- Waver
- Whimsical
- Wistful
- Wretched
Y 427. Yearn
- Yield
Z 429. Zealous
Note:This list is not exhaustive, and it's essential to continue exploring new words and their contexts to enhance your vocabulary further. Use these words wisely in your writing and speaking practice to improve your IELTS performance. Good luck!